Oh my gosh y'all is it really August? I think I'm in denial because I can't believe I go back next Thursday :(. Well to add a little more fun to the whole BTS thing, I decided to link up with Christine from Preslar's Place for her Back to School Linky Party.
Last year, I added a Sentence Editing Center and my kids LOVED it. I worked a lot on Peer Editing and the kids enjoyed fixing sentences that both I and other students had written. I started off pretty simple by just writing sentences on sentence strips for them to edit but they got bored pretty quickly and they were no longer following the directions. So I came up with these "I Can" posters that showed how to use either their journal or the recording sheets. They were so helpful and I no longer had silly turkey work :).
My kids enjoyed them so much, that I even used a couple as morning work. I would project the three sentence cards onto my Activboard and then the kids would correct the sentences in their journal and then check their table partner's work.
The recording sheets came in handy too but I mostly had the kids write them in their journal. Does your school have a copy limit? Mine does for this year and I'm nervous.
The sentences work on capitalization, punctuation, pronoun confusion, ed and ing endings, commonly misspelled words, and a few other things. This edition is mostly for Second Grade or high First Graders. Click on the picture to head to my TpT store and grab this station for just $2.
Oh and I'm working on this one for my First Grade friends. It will focus just on capitalization, punctuation, and basic misspelled sight words. It should be done by Wednesday....hopefully :).
I also have a super helpful Back to School freebie to check out. I feel like I have so many things to label each year but I do find them super helpful. Especially when a student can't find a certain supply or folder. So, I created these cute Chevron and Chalkboard labels to make the label making process a tad bit less painful.
I hope you guys are enjoying the last little bit of summer that you have. I know I'm trying to soak up as much time as possible with my two little guys. My youngest just started saying Mama and meaning it :).