I'm super excited to be joining Jessica from Mrs. Plemon's Kindergarten for her Tricks and Treats Blog Hop.  Isn't her blog hop button just adorable!  It makes me super excited for this season and I know my boys are so ready for Halloween!  Actually, they would both wear their costume every day if I let them.

Let's start off with a short classroom management TRICK...

I don't have a bathroom in my classroom and it's always been a bit tricky on how to handle who is in the bathroom and who has already gone.  My awesome teammate from last year shared this bathroom clipboard trick with me and I've used it ever since.  Thanks K!!  I just added the clothes pin passes and BOOM a new bathroom management procedure.

I have the bathroom clipboard hanging right by the classroom door and I use this simple sign out sheet.  There is a column for the morning and a column for the afternoon.  The students sign out before they leave the room and they pin the clothes pin onto their shirt.  If the clip isn't on the clipboard, it means someone is already in the bathroom and they will need to wait.

The kids don't have to sign out if we are at lunch or recess, so the morning and afternoon sign out only applies to when we are in the classroom.  It is so easy to monitor who is out of the class and the clothes pins are the perfect pass for our class.  I just labeled them with a sharpie marker.  The front says "boys" or "girls" and the back has my last name and grade level.

I hope this little classroom management TRICK will make your bathroom procedure less frightful!

Now for a little TREAT...

My kids and I are just finishing our Place Value Unit and we needed more practice with standard form, word form, and expanded form.  I came up with this simple craftivity to give my kids some extra practice.

The kids counted the base ten blocks to find their number and then they wrote the word form on the line below.  Then they wrote the standard form and expanded form on each of the pumpkins.  They LOVED it!

Make sure you click on the product cover at the top to grab this freebie.  I hope your kiddos have lots of fun practicing place value.  I can't wait till my students see the bulletin board tomorrow!

 I have one more TREAT planned for you guys.  I have all of my fall products discounted at 50% off through October 5th.  I hope it helps you get in the fall spirit.

Fix It Up Fall Sentences - First Grade
Fix It Up Fall Sentences - Second Grade
Fall Word Problems Mini Unit
Apples Word Problems Cards
Fall Word Building Printables

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