It's FRIDAY!! Woo Hoo!! It's been a super long week, and I'm so thankful that I get to rest this weekend with my boys. We have a birthday party, but that is the only solid plans we have. It feels very nice, because we all need to rest sometimes.
I'm linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five For Friday. You can click on the linky button above to link up or go read about other bloggers' weeks. Here are five random things about my week.

Our class has been super busy with our research project. A few weeks ago, the students searched through nonfiction resources, and chose a bird that they were most interested in to research. Some of them picked some super interesting birds, and I've been amazed at all that they have learned. They recorded some questions or "wonderings" on sticky notes, and then after researching they wrote the answers under the sticky notes. It was a great way to collect and organize their research. We still have a bit of research left, but I'll share the finished projects when they are done. I'm also excited to say that I'm working on a bird research unit plan, and hope to have it done in a few weeks.

This week was STAAR testing week for our third through fifth graders. On Wednesday, I had all 39 of my kiddos for the morning while my partner helped with testing. I found this awesome bird craftivity on TpT from Learning Junction Depot and had to share. It kept my kids engaged and quiet during the testing. Click on the picture above to go check it out!
My kids wrote a cinquain poem about their bird. They turned out really good too!

It is definitely spring in Texas, and I'm really enjoying the weather. Here are some flowers that some of my sweet kiddos picked for me.

Tonight was my sweet boys' Spring Show. This year the theme was Beach Party, so they had to wear swim wear. They are growing so fast! This picture makes them look so grown up...sniff sniff!
I donated some of my TpT products to the Silent Auction, so I spent a part of my week getting them printed and ready. This set of Addition I Have, Who Has will be perfect practice for one lucky classroom. I was so happy to donate to my boys' school. You can click on the picture above to see it in my store.

My family had such a blessed Easter. The boys both got Dinosaur piggy banks from the Easter Bunny, and they found coins in the Easter Eggs that they hunted. Mason loved putting his coins in his piggy bank.
Well, my week was pretty busy and now I'm off to go rest! I hope you have a restful weekend as well!
Love the birds-- we have testing coming up too -- I'm not looking forward to it! :)